Monday, October 25, 2010

Twenty-three: [Rec]

Why are people in movies so freaking stupid?! I found myself gripping the armrest of my couch and yelling, "NO YOU IDIOT, RUN!" or, "STOP BEING A WUSS AND KILL THE FREAKING ZOMBIE!" wayyy too many times during this movie. BUT I do give [Rec] a lot of credit for getting the handheld-camera style of filming right (unlike Blair Witch Project, which was cool for like, a minute, until we all started getting nauseous and making fun of it.)

[Rec] begins with Angela, a reporter for the late night show "While You're Sleeping," and Pablo, her cameraman, filming an episode at a fire department. They travel with two of the firemen to help with a woman locked in her apartment. It soon becomes apparent that the situation is a bit more complex than that and, less than 20 minutes into the movie, we get our first crazed loony attack scene! The authorities quickly quarantine the building, trapping the residents, firemen, a few police, along with Angela and Pablo inside with said crazed loony. Will they find a way out? Will they manage to keep themselves from being bitten? And what is that weird sound coming from the penthouse? Will they have enough tape to film all 70 minutes? Will they ever learn that zombies don't die until you lay some hurtin' on 'em?!?

You'll just have to watch and find out! I can tell you that you will definitely learn some Spanish swear words by the end of this movie. Which makes sense, given that they're trapped, have no idea what's going on, and are getting viciously attacked by their comrades. While this movie is a fairly two-dimensional view of the situation, it does stay fairly realistic, as far as human reactions are concerned. Until the end. I'm really not sure where all of that came from, but I guess they had to explain the virus somehow.

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