Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Four Days Later

Sorry I didn't get a chance to post last night! I DID watch a movie, though. (You didn't think I'd give up after only a few days, did you?)

28 Days Later pretty much rocked my socks off. It had tenderness, violence, British accents, and zombies... a recipe for awesomeness. I didn't have to use my brain too much, and yet my heart had feelings and there was so much eye candy. The landscape - first, desolate London post-zombiepocalypse, and then the English countryside - beautifully illustrated in a quick minute the disaster and loneliness after the virus (which caused infection- of RAGE!!) took over. Human bonds are hyper-charged with distrust and desire, which came through in the dialogue: it was short and got to the point of what the characters felt, without being too cheesy, and left time for the movie to focus on what's really important. Which, of course, is ZOMBIES!

The zombies of 28 Days Later aren't really the "undead" so to speak... As mentioned before, a virus spread over the U.K., causing its victims to be infected with RAGE!! It's all explained in the first scene of the movie, when a bunch of no-good animal rights activists set some monkeys free. What they don't know is that the monkeys are infected... with RAGE!! Once bitten or contaminated with the infecteds' blood, it takes about 20 seconds to turn into "one of them." In other words, if you see someone become infected, you have 20 seconds to kill them easily before they're infected with RAGE!! and try to attack you. The dead do not become zombies; they are dead. The zombies do not seem to have any motive for eating brains, or any other part of the uninfected human body for that matter. They do not move slowly. They actually move quite quickly. Probably because they are infected with RAGE!!

Danny Boyle made an awesome movie. It has a plot, which is interesting and way more fun than just having an excuse to make your characters run around (I'm talking to you, Zombieland), but I'm not going to pretend like it's all that deep. In the end, having the characters run around and kill zombies in cool ways and triumph in all the disaster is really all we want anyways.

On that note: Here's a video of the characters doing a lot of running around.. It's the entire movie, but in only one minute.

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